This is a composite, three-part film comprising three independent stories with a common theme: Greek behavior when placed under foreign yoke. The first part, entitled “The Clock”, is a comedy se...
A woman (Peri Poravou) wanders around a deserted beach in a provincial town with her 10-year-old son (Panos Gkiokas). The following day, she has to leave her son with her ex-husband (Nikiforos Naneris...
Five women, Anna-Maria Karamani, a teacher of Greek; Eva Manola, an ex-singer of the light repertoire; Ritsa Melissinou, a bank clerk; Lia Hatzi, a hairdresser; and Elektra Petridi, a dentist, are mar...
A weak-minded English teacher (Kostas Messaris) is hired to give lessons to the daughter (Eleni Stavropoulou) of a newly rich family that intends to marry the girl off to an English businessman. The t...
Thirty-year-old lower middle class Dimitris (Nikiforos Naneris), faint-hearted and not particularly ambitious, is ready to jump at the opportunity that will get him handsomely provided. He wavers betw...
The film’s main theme is the temporary affair of a professor of English (Kostas Messaris) with the daughter of a wealthy family, whom he tutors in order for her to marry an English businessman. The ...
It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
Two young film directors and friends, Giorgos and Kostas, have already lost quite a lot of money with their artistically ambitious films. So, in order to survive, they are forced to film advertising s...