Unser letzter Sommer

Lajityyppi: Feature film / Trailer
Vuosi: 2013-2015
Kesto: 01:47 min
Kuvaus: Summer 1943 in Nazi-occupied Poland: 17-year old Romek is a stoker on a train and dreams of becoming an engineer. He is in love with Franka who works as a kitchen maid at the German police station. There she makes the acquaintance of young German Guido, who was transferred to the village for disciplinary reasons. His unit is to secure the railway track, fight the partisans and pursue fugitives. Since they all share a love for jazz music, Franka, Romek and Guido form a peculiar relationship triangle. Guido falls in love with Franka, who reciprocates his feelings much to Romek's surprise. Yet when Romek one day finds an injured Jewish girl at the railway track and tries to help her, it becomes clear that the trio's desire for love and normality is futile in this war. Soon, they have to make personal decisions which could either mean life or death.
Sisältölähde: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Farbfilm Verleih GmbH (Berlin)
Ohjaaja: Michal Rogalski
Language: de