The Troublesome Stepdaughters
Muu nimi/muut nimet: De Vijf dochters van den consul
The Troublesome Step-Daughters
Les Cinq filles du consul
Vuosi: 1912
Kuvaus: A comedy in which a consul-general returns home with his new wife, after having worked abroad after six years. His five little girls are now young adults, and are not happy with their father’s new wife.
Avainsanat: 6 juli 1912
Sisältölähde: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Oikeudet: Public Domain
Tuotantoyhtiö: Vitagraph Company of America (Verenigde Staten)
Ohjaaja: Frederick A. Thomson
George D. Baker -
Related Names
- Clara Kimball Young | Actor
- Lillian Walker | Actor
- Norma Talmadge | Actor
- Edith Storey | Actor
- Dorothy Kelly | Actor
- Julia Swayne Gordon | Actor
- Edith Halloran | Actor
- Flora Finch | Actor
- John Bunny | Actor
- William A. Tremayne | Screenplay
- Marguerite Bertsch | Screenplay
- Frederick A. Thomson | Director
- George D. Baker | Director