
Lajityyppi: Feature film / Trailer
Vuosi: 2009/2010
Kesto: 01:36 min
Kuvaus: Life can be pretty complicated when you are 19 years old, gay and secretly in love with your piano teacher! Actually, being gay in Cologne shouldn′t be a problem, unless you haven′t had your coming-out and are oblivious to the fact that your heart-throb isn′t that trustworthy. Things get even worse when you have a mother who is obsessed with the idea that her son is a musical genius, and a father, who has already planned your future in family homeland of Montenegro. But eventually, the time comes when you have to make the tough decisions and not be afraid of the consequences – although it sure takes a lot of courage to stand up for yourself.
Sisältölähde: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Edition Salzgeber
Ohjaaja: Dennis Todorović
Language: de