The celebrations involve an Italian contingent parade and marchpast, chiefly of the field guns, watched by the contingent's commander, General di Robillant. A posed group of General Peppino Garibaldi,...
I. Queenstown. Low-angle medium shot from small craft crossing bows of three US destroyers moored together in the harbour with a paddle minesweeper - two of the ships are USS Duncan (46) and USS Stere...
(Reel 1) Opening sequence of aerial shots showing a convoy and escort vessels. Cut to "The Making of the Men" - Nautical College, Pangbourne, HMS Worcester, HMS Medway, HMS Arethusa. Scenes showing ca...
(Reel 1) Their work on shore, preparing a mined anti-submarine net - wire splicing, making nets, fitting floats, detonators, etc. Work on the water - Lowestoft drifter loads netting and cable. Two typ...
(Reel 1) Searchlight battery at night - beams weave about and spotlight moored destroyers. Admirals Beatty and Rodman onboard HMS Queen Elizabeth. Scenes onboard HMS Canada - divine service (Glorious ...
Medium long shot silhouette off starboard bow of HMS Malaya steaming with guns trained over the beam - the cameraship changes its bearing during the sequence from starboard bow to dead ahead to port b...
The British fleet awaits its visitors - among the attendant ships are Colossus and Bellerophon Class battleships, HMS Neptune, and Warrior and Minotaur Class armoured cruisers. HMS Canada: "A link in ...
(Reel 1) Aerial view of Cranwell. Medium close-up of Commodore Luce; instruction of trainee ground crew and probationary flight officers; wireless school; gunnery practice with Maxim MG and Lewis on s...
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Gruppi - Militari - Uomini - Animali - Cavalli - Edifici - Facciate - Insegne - Unione militari - Generi Alimentari
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Gruppi - Militari - Uomini - Animali - Cavalli - Edifici - Facciate - Insegne - Unione militari - Generi Alimentari
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Gruppi - Militari - Uomini - Animali - Cavalli - Edifici - Facciate - Insegne - Unione militari - Generi alimentari
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Gruppi - Militari - Uomini - Animali - Cavalli - Edifici - Facciate - Insegne - Unione militari - Generi alimentari
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Strade - Vie - Edifici - Palazzi - Facciate - Campanili - Portici - Distruzioni belliche - Persone - Militari - Uomini
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Gruppi - Uomini - Donne - Militari - Automobili - Armi da guerra- Automitragliatrici - Edifici - Facciate - Strade
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Gruppi - Uomini - Bambini - Militari - Automobili - Armi da guerra - Automitragliatrici - Edifici - Facciate - Strade
Prima Guerra Mondiale - Italia - Storia - Persone - Gruppi - Uomini - Bambini - Militari - Automobili - Ambulanze - Biciclette - Piazze - Edifici - Facciate - Insegne - Campanili - Orologi
Saturn Film AG, Rasputin. Drama in 5 Akten, Der Kinematograph, 553, (1917), S. 24.
Scala-Film-Verleih GmbH, Der Hetman der Ukraine, Der Kinematograph, 581, (1918), S. 18-19. Die Anzeige geht auf den Sieg gegen Russland ein und erwähnt das Interesse des Publikums an der Geschichte d...
Lt. Ludwig Brauner, Das Kinogeschäft nach dem Kriege, Der Kinematograph, 505, (1916), S. 15-16. Prognose über das Kino nach dem Krieg. Das Krieg habe dem Kino zu einer breiten Anerkennung verholfen,...
Zensurwirrwarr !, Die Filmwelt, 12.Jg., 50, (1918), S. 12-20. Obwohl die Zensur durch Reichsgesetzgebung aufgehoben sei, würde die Zensur in Württemberg und Bayern weiterbestehen, in Berlin würden ...
Das Königliche Bild-und Filmamt und die Industrie, Der Kinematograph, 571, (1917). S. 22ff. Artikel über Verhandlungen des Bild-und Filmamtes mit Vertretern der Filmindustrie. Bufa zeige sich am Woh...
P. Max Grempe, Deutsche und feindliche Kinopolitik im Weltkriege, Der Kinematograph, 515, (1916), S. 17-19. Erötertung der verkehrten Politik Deutschlands in Bezug auf das Kino. Die hohen Lustbarkeit...
National-Film-A.G., Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit !, Lichtbildbühne, 45, (1918).
Specator, Das letzte Jahr, Der Kinematograph, 472, (1916), S. 17-18. Jahresrückblick. Die deutsche Filmindustrie sei zur Großindustrie geworden. Die Aufklärungsarbeit der Wochenschauen im Ausland w...