>> Sammlung ansehen Mit der Serialisierung von Fotos war Eadward Muybridge einer der ersten, die den Eindruck von bewegten Bildern erschufen. EFG bietet Zugriff auf über 700 Bilder aus dem Nachlass von Muybridge.
Detailed description provided by the archive:
Eadweard James Muggeridge was born on 9 April 1830 in Kingston-on-Thames, in England. At the age of 22, he embarked for the United States where he became a representative of the London Printing and Publishing Company, a publisher of cards, engravings and photos in San Francisco. He then took the name of Muybridge. His professional activities allowed him to make contact with numerous photographers; he published the works of others as well as his own. From 1867 on, Muybridge made photo reports. In 1879, Muybridge designed a projector of which the only copy is preserved in the Muybridge museum of Kingston-on-Thames, called the “zoopraxiscope” (the name finally chosen, derived from Émile Reynaud's “praxinoscope”), which was to be of use to him during his lecture tours in the United States and in Europe. On the surface of a glass disc he painted a series of successive images inspired by his photographic pictures. The glass disc was placed in the centre of a magic lantern equipped with a shutter disc, the light projecting the painted images and giving them the impression of movement. These projections met with great success during his lectures. The library of the La Bibliothèque du Film possesses books, paper archives, periodicals, videos and photos about Muybridge.