>> Sammlung ansehen Der Wissenschaftler Étienne-Jules Marey (1830 - 1904) verwendet fotografische Methoden, um sein ganzes Leben lang die Bewegung von Mensch und Tier studieren. La Cinémathèque bietet Zugang zu rund 400 Fotos aus dem Nachlass von Étienne-Jules Marey über EFG.
Detailed description provided by the archive:
Étienne-Jules Marey was born in 1830 in Beaune. After brilliant medical studies, he was appointed to the department of professor Beau in the Cochin hospital in Paris. From the 1850s on, he studied fervently all the forms of human and animal movement. He developed the "graphic method", which represented for him a kind of universal language. “All scientists can indeed read a ‘graph’, these sheets where, in white markings on the funeral black of paint, variations in the infinite vital hymn take place,” according to the photographer Félix Nadar who visited with amazement the laboratory of Marey at the end of 1860s. The library La Bibliothèque du Film possesses books, paper archives, periodicals, videos and photos about Étienne-Jules Marey.