>> Sammlung ansehen Die 77 Filme des dänischen Filmpioniers Peter Elfelt (1866-1931) sind nicht nur aus filmischer Sicht interessant, sondern sie sind zugleich auch einzigartige Zeitdokumente. Als königlicher Hoffotograf hatte Elfelt Zugang zu den wichtigsten Personen und Ereignissen seiner Zeit, der dänischen High-Society, die in seinen Filmen zu sehen sind.
Detailed description provided by the archive:
The films by cinema pioneer Peter Elfelt is a unique resource; not only to the film maker himself, but also to the historical places and people he recorded on film in the period 1897-1930. Peter Elfelt was the royal Danish court photographer, and his film recordings contain most of the Danish royal family’s participation in events, as well as many of the important artists and scientists of the period. This collection is therefore important as a historical source, as well as an immediate attention getter as to how Copenhagen and people looked 100 years ago.