Film still from “The Scar” (1976), dir. Krzysztof Kieślowski. From left: unknown person and actor Franciszek Pieczka. Photo: Romuald Pieńkowski, transparency 6x6 format
Weitere Titel: Blizna
Erstellungsdatum: 1976
Beschreibung: Film still from “The Scar” (1976), dir. Krzysztof Kieślowski. From left: unknown person and actor Franciszek Pieczka. Photo: Romuald Pieńkowski, transparency 6x6 format
Schlüsselwörter: robotnicy / uścisk dłoni / biuro / Director: Kieślowski Krzysztof / Pieczka Franciszek
Anbieter: Filmoteka Narodowa
Rechte: In Copyright / Filmoteka Narodowa
Dokumenttyp: Film still
Related Names
- Goering, Gordon D. | Participant
- Brundtland, Gro Harlem | Participant
- Adair, Paul Neal | Participant
- Berge, Grim | Participant
- Storkaas, Arnfinn B. | Producer
- Øgaard, Philip | Director of photography
- Eriksen, Skule | Sound supervisor
- Winger, Ola | Negative cutter
- Winger, Ola | Screenplay
- Winger, Ola | Director of photography
- Westberg, Reidar | Director of photography
- Winger, Ola | Director