I. Newsreel item on a long mule train, with Indian Army drivers, in the deserts of Palestine, late 1917.II. Brief newsreel item on a long line of limbers and GS wagons making their way forward down a ...
The film reconstructs the repulse of a German column charge by British rifle and field artillery fire in the centre of the battlefield, and then the defence of Nimy bridge on the left by 4th Royal Fus...
I. French language version of a newsreel item on British soldiers chasing and catching turkeys for Christmas at a French farm while the farmer's wife watches, December 1917. II. French language versio...
Subtitled "The work of the Department of the Director General Voluntary Organisations including the Camps Library". Introductory shot of the Director General Sir Edward Ward seated in his office in Sc...
A German officer addresses his men in a dugout. They emerge from the dugout and man their trench against an Australian attack. The Australians storm the trench and throw grenades down into the dugouts...
The film appears to be of the intervention in North Russia, but varies in quality from slightly out of focus to completely blurred.
Blurred and unviewable film of the British intervention in Nort...
French language version of a newsreel item on the town of Amiens after the German failure to capture it, showing a pan over the town and the outside of the cathedral, Western Front, 5th-7th April 1918...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
The Danish film journal FILMEN was published in the period 1912-1919 (24 issues per year). First published under the name "A/S Kinografen", then from 1913 under the name "Association of Cinema Theatre...
Dokumentarfilm über die Arbeit des Amerikaners Kenneth Feinberg, ein Rechtsanwalt und Mediator, dessen Spezialgebiet Entschädigungszahlungen sind. In dieser Funktion war er in einige der wohl größ...
Früher war Jochen Falk einer der besten Agenten der DDR, heute führt er ein geruhsames Leben als Pensionär. Umso erstaunter ist er, als plötzlich die von ihm verachteten "Amateure" vom BND vor sei...
Seit sie ein Kleinkind war, lebt die 14-jährige Jeanne mit zahlreichen anderen Kindern und Jugendlichen in einer Kommune auf einem Bauernhof. Eltern gibt es dort nicht, denn "die Kleinfamilie ist der...
The family of Travis had already broken up years ago. Since then he has seen neither his wife Jane nor his son Hunter. Indeed, after the separation, Travis himself disappeared for four years without a...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Filme der NS-Zeit sind im Kontext der staatlich beeinflussten Produktion und Rezeption zu sehen. Mehr erfahren »
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
Zum Gedenken an die Deportation der Juden aus Berlin versammelt sich im Jahr 2005 eine Gruppe Menschen am Berliner S-Bahnhof Wannsee. Unter ihnen Nina und Ruth, die 1943 ab Grunewald nach Ausschwitz t...
Der Dokumentarfilm erzählt die wahre Geschichte von Ieva Lesinska alias Evelyn Dorn: Als die 19-jährige sowjetische Studentin Ieva im Jahr 1978 ihren Vater besuchen will, der in New York bei der UNO...